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Seniors’ housing complex to be built

The Town of Kapuskasing is going to be extending Progress Cr. near Sensenbrenner Hospital.

The primary reason for the extension is to accommodate the development of housing for the elderly.

“We’re looking at a seniors’ housing complex,” said Town of Kapuskasing CAO, Yves Labelle. “We’ve formed a committee and we’re beginning meetings. Sensenbrenner Hospital is in the process of transferring that property to the municipality and in the meantime we’re starting to get ready”.

The focus at this point, aside from acquiring the property, will be on creating a proper road including water and sewer access in anticipation of the new build.

It is anticipated that the new facility will be a combined model.

“There is a need in town that has been identified,” said Labelle. “According to a DSSAB survey, there is a waiting list of over 100 elderly people in need of two-bedroom apartments, so that’s an eight to 10-year wait. We need to fill that gap. We’ll have to figure out how many of the spaces will be assisted living, how many will be independent living etc. but right now, it’s being added to the municipality’s 10-year plan and we’re preparing for it.”

Article originally published by Kevin Anderson, The Northern Times


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